Your Google AdSense account has been disabled
73 naročnikov
73 naročnikov
Ma u k..... :/ Pa so šli pasivni prihodki.
*WEBMASTER GUIDELINES: Our program specialists regularly review sites in
the AdSense program.
It is important for a site displaying AdSense to offer significant value
to the end user by providing unique and relevant content, and not to place
ads on sites with little to no original content. Additionally, Google ads
may not be placed on non-content-based pages.
Your site should also provide a good user experience through clear
navigation and organization. Users should be able to easily click through
your pages and find the information they are seeking.
Because your sites violate the spirit of our policies, we have disabled ad
362 odgovorov
Jaz sem svoj adsense account zgubil zaradi lastne neumnosti, ker takrat še nisem vedel, kak so strogi pri Adsensu. Sem preko public proxyjev klikal na lastne oglase, tudi zato, da malo potestiram, koliko kaj višina prikazanega oglaševalca vpliva na zasluženi znesek. Je bil pa čisto nedolžen eksperiment, niti 5 dolarjev nisem zaslužil, samo želel se učit. Škoda, da me takrat noben ni opozoril. :(
No vglavnem, povedal sem jim po resnici, dali so pa mi nek politični odgovor v smislu 'tnx for giving us so much info, but unfortunately our experts confirmed we can't give you back your account blablabla...'
Sam ok, nisem jim pa dal moje davčne cifre. V kolkor sem bral, se da prit nazaj, če res vse sledi zbrišeš za sabo in se na novo registriraš. Najraje novo prebivališče (ali od kakega kolega), nova cifra, nov mail, skratka, vse. Samo davčna cifra je taka permanentna sled, da če ti jo blacklistajo, ti bodo njihovi sistemi pobannali vse nove Adsense accounte, ki jo bodo imeli zabeleženo. Tak da z Adsensom bom pač probal, ko bom na svojem živel, pa je. ČE bom... glede na nestabilnost google wratha malo razmišljam, če se splača sploh okrog tega gradit income. Raje affiliate, tam je dost manj teženja.
Pa opcija je, da odpreš firmo in potem odpreš poslovni Adsense račun. Če imaš kakšne dodatne stroške z odpiranjem in kolikšni so, pa še nisem kaj dosti raziskoval. Teoretično imaš tu lahko potem infinite Adsense accountov in infinite podjetij. Ajde, mogoče niti ni treba. Tud kolegov je dovolj, posledično pa tudi accountov, če se res hočeš it ta Adsense gamble.
Q: I have website at On a page titled cruising I mention several cruise lines by name some of which are also adsense advertisers. I am not trying to lead people to their ads but wonder if I have violated any Google adsense
A: If you do not incentivise your users to click on the ads this is ok.
Q: tv shows includes indian tv serials as well which is not allowed by adsense?
A: All shows, serials and other media for which you don't have the copyright are not allowed in the AdSense network.
Q: If a blog has not been updated with content for past few months - Can Adsense Ads be displayed on it? Does it violates any Google AdSense Policy?
A: We have no resrictions regarding how often content has to be updated.
Q: Why do I see some sites that have more than 3 Adsense Ads for both images and text and link ads? How do was it possible?
A: We only allow 3 ad units + 3 link units + 2 search boxes.
Q: Can we place ads below the post/page title's ?
A: Yes, if the distinction between original content and ads is clear to the user.
Q: What about sites that have images on women wearing swimming suits or bathing suits (for display purpose)? Is that considered as adult content?
A: Hello, as long as the images are tasteful and not related to pornographic content, this should be ok. Since I have not seen your site this would be only a recommendation though.
Q: i have started an assense account with my friend with my deatiles but now i want one on my ownbut your bot wont let me. what should i do?
A: You can only have 1 account per person, so only 1 account is allowed to be under the same name.
Q: The seminar mentioned placing image ads next to images on the page.... how can I be sure that I am not breaking the rules if I want a very uniformed and formal layout?
A: You should always make sure that the ad is clearly distinguishable from the content. The implementation should not lead to accidental clicks.
Q: I have tried but have been unsuccessful in finding a way to change my primary email address. I sent in a help form but never recieved a response.
A: This is currently not possible - we are working on it. Please follow our blog or opt into our newsletter to know when this is fixed.
Q: Why do some sites like these have more than 3 adsense ads on its sidebars?
A: No. 3 ad units is the maximum.
Q: I would like to ask about the ad placement. If a vsistor accidentaly clikcs to an ad...for example if an ad is under or close to a youtube video, and the visitor clicks the ad instead of the play this violates the policy or any rule?
A: If the ad is placed in a way that it leads to many publishers accidentially clicking it this is not ok and you can be banned permanently from the AdSense program.
Q: The idea that the content "mimics" the ads is a bit confusing. Can the ad titles be the same color as the links on the page? This usually lends to a better looking site but becomes very subjective as to what "mimics" means.
A: It is generally not a problem to choose matching colors for your ads. You should always ask yourself whether you can distinguish between ads and content and whether users could click accidently because the ad is implemented to look like site content.
Q: what's google's point of view of having a submenu below that an adsense of 728x15?
A: The distinction between content and ads has to be clear. If the website is designed to generate accidential clicks this would not be ok
Q: If someone places a comment on my blog that contains prohibited content such as sexual references and such, can that hurt my adsense?
A: This question has been answered verbally. (YES)
Q: Is anime (not hentai) with voluptuous breasts like or
A: it's not ok.
Q: Can the ads be placed on the privacy policy page and contact page?
A: There is no policies against this however you should consider how much traffic you get there and whether you expect a lot of clicks. Also be aware that our crawler wouldn't find a lot of content to serve contextually targeted ads.
Q: Is there a limit on how many websites a webmaster can ads on? I have several websites and I believe the number will grow in the future.
A: There is no such limit.
Q: Is a discussion about masturbation issues medical or nudity?
A: Not allowed.
Q: I meant to add that having my adwords ad point to my home page if it has adsense ads on it.
A: Generally this is not a problem as long as you do not create ads only for the sake of getting more users to a page with AdSense and in order to get more revenue with the ads.
Q: if i put sponsored links, and in the page i write "Please visit our sponsors" or i say in a video don't forget to visit our sponsors, is this ok?
A: Nope, you cannot incite visitors to click on your ads. You can label ads as Advertisements or Sponsored Links. Anything else is not ok.
Q: can we use any wordpress theme ?
A: Yes.
Q: Could you provide us with the list of sexual health topics you consider as unsafe so we could create filters for them and disable ad showing on such pages?
A: It is impossible for us to provide an exhaustive list of all allowed content.
Q: How big does a site have to be (how many pages) to qualify for adsense ads?
A: There is not a minimum number of sites. You just need to have enough content for us to understand what the site is about and for the crawler to detect enought keywords for the contextual targeting.
Q: Can our sites be articles only..I have heard that we have to ad videos..images..and that we can not just have adsense on articles this true?
A: Having only articles is perfectly fine.
Q: How do you know that a tv channel is coded if the tv channel has a public signal?
A: You would not be allowed to monetize content from that station unless you have the copyright.
Q: I believe that Adsense requires good text content. What if I have galleries and pages that display 90% image content?
A: You would be allowed to place ads here, but please be aware that this might affect targeting if there is little text
Q: Is there a way to reapply for Adsense after an account has been disabled?
A: You can fill out an appeal which you can find here:
Q: If a publisher ads 4 ad blocks instead of the allowed 3 will google automatically not show the forth one, and will the publisher be penalized?
A: Yes, we would block the 4th ad, however it is still not adviseable to "try" placing more ads than allowed.
Q: What happens if I use adSEnse in Bolivia South America and next year I will move to Australia, can I just change my Address?
A: You can change your country via our contact form.
Q: If a site is promoting Ninja Star.. is that considered weapon for adsense team? Is that site not eligible to place google ads. pls advice
A: Yes, it would be considered as weapons.
Q: can Jane Doe and John Doe have 1 ad each for a single website?
A: Technically yes. But remember that in case of a policy violation both accounts are affected.
Q: Can we place ads below the post/page title's ?
A: Yes, if the distinction between original content and ads is clear to the user.
in kaj naj bi to praktično pomenilo?
Tale odgovor mi zgleda na način, da adsense oglasov ne smeš dat npr tako, da zgleda kot da bi bil v sklopu strani.
Praktičen primer:
Imaš meni ob strani in daš še spodaj oglase, ki so videti skoraj enako kot meni in potem ljudje klikajo misleč da je to povezava do tvoje podstrani.
AD: Kot je ze Gogy omenil. Že če je title v enakem fontu je lahko sporno. Poleg že očitnega "AD choices" itd delčka je priporočljivo da tudi sam dodaš del texta kjer opozarajs da so to ADS-i. Čeprav je to v nasprotju z "MFA logiko" torej "naj mislijo da je del sajta, je pač potrebno.
Dovolj je bilo "krekanja" sistema. Potrebno se je pokoriti in sprijazniti s pravili. Mislim, da lahko še vedno povsem legalno dosegamo 20%+ CTR(na visitorja) brez violationoh, če le izberemo prave "ad filled" niše.
Čimmanj jamrat in čimveč delat (popravek : čimveč narediti ;) ).
buyseech: tu razumem na ni ravno problem pri uskalevanju barv in fontov
Q: The idea that the content "mimics" the ads is a bit confusing. Can the ad titles be the same color as the links on the page? This usually lends to a better looking site but becomes very subjective as to what "mimics" means.
A: It is generally not a problem to choose matching colors for your ads. You should always ask yourself whether you can distinguish between ads and content and whether users could click accidently because the ad is implemented to look like site content.