Your Google AdSense account has been disabled

Ma u k..... :/ Pa so šli pasivni prihodki.

*WEBMASTER GUIDELINES: Our program specialists regularly review sites in
the AdSense program.

It is important for a site displaying AdSense to offer significant value
to the end user by providing unique and relevant content, and not to place
ads on sites with little to no original content. Additionally, Google ads
may not be placed on non-content-based pages.

Your site should also provide a good user experience through clear
navigation and organization. Users should be able to easily click through
your pages and find the information they are seeking.

Because your sites violate the spirit of our policies, we have disabled ad

362 odgovorov

Je kdo ze prejel nakazilo za ta mesec ali ima vsaj pending oz in progress zapisano? Zgolj informativno.

Pri meni je payment in progress..


Hum hem pri meni še nobenih premikov. Upajmo da je vse kul :) Bi blo fajn zvedt še za koga drugega :P

Nakazano že pred parimi urami...

Hum...pri meni je čudno to da pod Estimated earnings : Last month _____ (znesek) je.

Pod payments je pa pod "Balance at end of September" : 0 € ...

Zdej a sploh še niso prišli "do mene" al pa ne vem kaj se dogaja. Nobenega maila ali messaga nisem dobil.

Details: For a small number of publishers, finalized September earnings are displaying as $0. It appears that this is a synching issue between our payment system and the frontend, so rest assured that your earnings were correctly calculated and will be paid out as usual. Our team is actively investigating this issue, and we will provide an update as soon as we can. No action is required if your account is affected by this issue.

Kje mene najdejo nooooo :(


Pri meni pa za oktober kaže estimated vs finalised čisto mimo. Običajno je bila razlika tam do 1€, zdaj je pa 160€ premalo.
Pa ni variante, da je je bilo toliko neveljavnih klikov, ravno za ta mesec, ko ima en kup ljudi napačne cifre ozr 0 € finalised.

Kje pa gledaš za oktober estimated? V osnovnem pregledu v delu "Estimated earnings" pod "Last Month"?

Tam ja ali pa če kliknem report Overview last month. Je isti znesek.