Se komu sanja za koga tu gre: me2everyone
15 naročnikov
15 naročnikov
Ja, tole mi je mat poslala :)
Baje se včlaniš, dobiš delnice in pol leta 2012 zadeva gre "live" in vrednost delnic je precej visja kot je sedaj...
vem... vem... ni treba nič govort :)
24 odgovorov
Nekaj malega o me2everyone:
There is a cliché that says: "Do you ever wish you had invested in Microsoft when it launched?"
Most people would say "yes" and then be enjoying two decades of dividends and potentially millionaire status.
But this you already know. No doubts you have also come across this many other times from entrepreneurs who think they have the next best thing.
I know I have, and most times they amount to nothing. So why do we think that "me2everyone" is any different?
Well firstly look at the proof. Go to Wikipedia and type in "FaceBook" or "MySpace" Then read how many members they have and who has invested what sums of money into them. A little research will show that both have a similar market value in the region of $15bn (£8bn). Now FaceBook is a young company that has an estimated 124m members and approximately $133m in advertising revenues flowing through it during 2007.
So we have the proof that some social networks can make it big. So again: why is "me2everyone" is any different?
* This will be majority owned by its members - not some faceless bank or corporation.
* Its modeled on village (and city life) - giving what promises to be an engaging user interface, close to a game.
* It will use proper intelligent marketing to generate advertising revenue.
* There are inworld business venture options to engage people and make them real money while they sleep
* There is the social networking side, business promotion, dating, gaming, shopping and virtually anything that a member can dream of...
* The viral marketing system has never been done the way we plan - there's a real world value to people coming to our site and registering.
housejoin_now me2everyone is going to use a hosting company that also hosts the British Army portals - so we know that its as secure as anything that can be possible.
There are business ventures with tech, environmental benefits, property and new business services to launch off the back of this project: each generating money for our members!
We have created something that everyone wants all the time, everywhere!Based on our research we would target a listing on the FTSE or NasDaq in 2012 (depending on the market conditions at the time).
When the Internet first arrived people called it the "global village" but with more than 120 billion web domain names its far more than a village.
Today that village has turned into a sprawling mess of 120 billion web domains of everything from impressive flash-rich domains to dead links. In many ways it represents a typical city of quiet boulevards, downtown chaos and gang ridden slums. More of a chaotic jumble.
me2everyone takes this village idea and a new website will soon be launched that is owned by everyone.
It's a cyber world village - with a duck pond and shops, places to play and meet people, places to post a profile or read one of the many newspapers that will emerge. It's going to become an environment owned by its members and run by its members.
We are not going to give all our secrets away here but I wanted to share this with you now.
me2everyone will be a new village (actually graphically modeled on a village surrounded by open fields and hills).
It will have the duck pond, shops, places to meet and newspapers to read.
Over time the village will evolve into a sprawling metropolis (without the slums). What makes this different from a game is that it will represent real life and become an environment that is ultimately owned by the members (or villagers). We are not going to give all our secrets away here but I wanted to share this with you now as there is a significant surprise coming your way...
We don't envisage the Second Life environment, its more functional that this - all the best bits of the web in one place.
The me2everyone is in development, but you can become an "early bird" and make part of this exciting project right now.
Every single member (villagers) will become a part-owner of the company - all with no money down. Social networking sites that become successful are worth billions of dollars today after a relatively short existence.
me2everyone has explosive potential, so becoming a part of this right now most probably will result in huge benefits in very near future to any early participant.
Tako da če koga zanima naj klikne na to povezavo: in izpolni zastojn registracijo.
Pogoj za registracijo je 16 let! Trenutno je s stranjo nekaj narobe, tako da če kliknete na link in se vam odpre prazna(bela) stran potem stiskajte refresh dokler se ne odpre prava stran. še moj... da mal razjezim Toasted Web-a.
Kot ste omenil, zadevca diši po nategu... usaj veliko bazo mailov bojo mel če ne druzga...
Sam sej nimaš nč za zgubit, če se reg.
Zelo dober način pridobivanja članov oz uporabnikov. Uporabiš princip piramidnega marketinga. Košta te nič ker je oglaševanje zastonj. Zgubit nimaš kaj ker nisi nič vložil (razen skripte in časa). In če ti slučajno rata, boš rade volje pustil drobiž "delničarjem".
z mailom, imenom in priimkom ne more noben postat solastnik ničesar ;)
da ne govorimo o amaterski spletni strani, še nekateri knofi so neizdelani
Še ena FONZI SHEMA. Kdo misli da bo tako hit zazlužil in obogatel nej gre raj za ameriškega generala v iraku pa boste denar v paletah vozil domov :)