Se komu sanja za koga tu gre: me2everyone

Ja, tole mi je mat poslala :)

Baje se včlaniš, dobiš delnice in pol leta 2012 zadeva gre "live" in vrednost delnic je precej visja kot je sedaj...

vem... vem... ni treba nič govort :)

24 odgovorov

Ali pa v črnih vrečah...

Piramidna shema je tudi cel sistem v katerem živimo ;)


Živjo! Ravno danes sem dobil od njih sporočilo (ker imam več kot 100 000 delnic) in sicer:
There are 2000 members of with more than 100,000 Metoos and you are one of them.

It's quite possible that you have missed the news on recently: news that your Metoos can now be converted into registered shares. In fact, more than GBP £2.6m worth of shares have already passed to our members, many of them joining within the past 30 days. To become one the top 2000 members in is something special; marking you as one of the more dynamic members who, once upon a time (and perhaps even now) lived and breathed Me2everyone.

On September 1st 2011 the Metoo to Share conversion rate begins to rise, giving you precious little time to maximise your shareholding in this dynamic company: an idea which has weathered many storms during the last three years. Shares are transfered to you at zero-cost and zero liability. But, when the conversion rate begins to change your Metoos won't achieve the best possible shareholding for you. So the questions are: Are you happy to let all your past hard-work evaporate? Are you happy to allow someone who has been a member for 30 days gain benefits from your past hard work? Are you ready to claim what is rightfully yours?

To convert your Metoos into registered shares please visit and log-in to your account. You can find everything you need under "My Benefits". Please also read our guide to this wonderful new feature at The top 2000 members are entitled to share GBP £1.5m worth of shares and we ask again, are you ready to claim what is rightfully yours? Please don't leave this until after September 1st because the conversion rate will change and your Metoos won't give you the numbers of shares you can expect today!

If you already know about this news then please accept our apologies for repeating things once again.

Dajem še sliko o možni registraciji:

Je slučajno še kdo izmed vas ki ima več kot 100k delnic dobil nekaj podobnega? In ali je pripravljen podati zaupne podatke za "registracijo delnic"? Oziroma, kaj priporočate. :)

sem dal registrirat in hkrati vprašal če to mislijo resno itd. In glej ga zlomka, čez 2 uri dobim povratno sporočilo z odgovorom na moja vprašanja, da je vse uradno.